Practice Better & Claim MD: The Best EMR for Dietitians?

Practice Better: The Best EMR for Dietitians


Are you a dietitian looking for the perfect EMR solution? Look no further than Practice Better! As a Practice Better Ambassador, I can confidently say that it’s one of the favorites among dietitians for good reason.


Here’s why:

  1. Solid Functions: Practice Better offers a wide range of solid functions that cater specifically to the needs of dietitians. From FullScript integration to automation and group program platforms like That Clean Life, Practice Better has you covered.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: One of the standout features of Practice Better is its user-friendly interface. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to EMRs, you’ll find Practice Better intuitive and easy to navigate.
  3. All-in-One Solution: With Practice Better’s recent integration with its own clearinghouse, it now offers an all-in-one solution similar to Simple Practice. This means you can manage everything from appointments to insurance claims seamlessly within the platform.
  4. Insurance Integration: Practice Better now offers integration with insurance, making it even more appealing for dietitians. This feature streamlines the billing process and saves you valuable time.
  5. Special Offer: As a new user, you can take advantage of a special offer by using my code “AMYPLANO20” to get 20% off for your first 4 months. But you need to use this LINK to register. 
  6. Choice of Clearinghouse: While Practice Better offers its own clearinghouse (Claim MD), you also have the option to use an outside clearinghouse. However, I recommend using Claim MD for its affordability and efficiency.
  7. Tiered Pricing: Practice Better offers different tiers to suit your needs. The ‘professional’ or ‘plus’ tier is most appropriate for solo practitioners, offering features like text reminders which are essential for efficient practice management.
  8. Telehealth Included: Unlike some other options, Practice Better’s ‘Plus’ version includes telehealth and many other essential features that make your life as a dietitian easier.


Didn’t you just wrote a similar post, Amy P.?


YES. I know I already wrote a similar post.


But I recently recorded a new video for my coaching clients that I thought you all might find helpful. So I am including it here.


In this video I show you the Claim MD Integration in real time with Practice Better.


Obviously, based on HIPAA we had to screen shot (versus actually showing you) certain screens. But I am hoping you got the main ‘gist’ which is the two systems sync with one another for seamless claim reconciliation.


In conclusion, Practice Better stands out as one the best EMR for dietitians with its robust features, user-friendly interface, and recent enhancements like insurance integration. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to streamline your practice and improve client care with Practice Better.


I would love to know your thoughts on your favorite EMR?


Drop your thoughts in the comments below. Selecting an EMR can feel overwhelming. But the more discussions we have the easier it is for dietitians to decide which one to use.



best EMR for Dietitians

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