Are you a dietitian working for someone else?
But want to start your own insurance-based nutrition practice? But as a typical type, A dietitian has a brain full of questions.
Wondering if you are going to get in trouble for doing this?
Or even worse, will this jeopardize the money coming into your current employer from the insurance companies?
Or can you DO both at the same time?
I hear you.
I feel you.
I know you.
This was exactly me in 2007 when I got my first job as a dietitian working outpatient at Yale New Haven Hospital. At the time Yale had credentialed me to work with all the major insurance companies to bill for my services through the clinic. However, at the very same time, I was looking to start my very own insurance-based nutrition practice.
Was I able to successfully do it?
Watch the latest vlog in which Amy Plano, The Reimbursement Dietitian, answers one of the common questions RDs who are on the fence about accepting insurance ask, “Can I get credentialed in my insurance-based nutrition practice while working for someone else? ”
Got questions about what The Reimbursement Dietitian just said in the Vlog? Hit her up with questions in the comments section below. Amy will do her darndest to answer them to the best of her ability.
Need further support with either getting credentialing, billing or growing the shit out of your insurance-based practice? I got you, boo.
Click HERE to learn more about my reimbursement coaching services for dietitians. My program provides dietitians with 40.0 credits and a money-back guarantee, yo!
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